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Paul –

Thank you for a fantastic two days of learning, fishing and fellowship. I had high expectations and you easily exceed them through the sharing of your knowledge and your hospitality. 

The time spent on the water fishing with one of the world’s best fishermen was an amazing experience. I learned so much listening and watching you, asking question upon question and your helping me with my technique and preparation. In two days, I learned more than I could have in years of fishing. In many cases, I learned things I never would have learned on my own by watching videos, reading or experimenting on my own. You freely shared your hard earned knowledge. I came home understanding how to better use my electronics, where to attack my home lake (and other lakes), how to best match line to technique, better knots tying, the next steps I need to take to become a better fisherman and so much more.

I have desperately wanted to understand deep-water structure fishing and I am excited to finally have the confidence to fish away from the bank. It was the same with learning and practicing the finesse techniques. I had tried them a couple of times on my own.  Now, after seeing and learning from you, I am excited to use them successfully. 

Our first day of fishing was tough and I know you desperately wanted me to catch a lot of quality fish. We adjusted on the second day and I caught more fish in one day than I ever had done before. You wanted me to have confidence in what I learned, and indeed I do. 

I came with a long list of questions and high hopes. I left with double the number of questions answered and the confidence to become the best bass fisherman I can be.  I spent some time today putting new line on some of my reels and practicing the knots we used. I am ready to roll!

Mississippi is The Hospitality State and you represent our state as well as anyone. Opening up your home to me just enhanced the experience. We were able to carry the lessons inside.  We talked much more than just fishing, and I treasure those discussions as well.  

May your shoulder continue to heal so that you can excel during the upcoming 2020 MLF season. I will watch the MLF results with interest as well as following along as some of your plans become reality, including keeping an eye out for some new lures and equipment that you hope to hit the market.

Safe travels, good health and all of the best to you and your family. 


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Narrow down your mid spring bass water

Experimenting with Fall Bass


Paul, Wanted to drop you a line and again thank you for the great time Lance and I had. The time spent with you on the electronics was amazing,but the real deal was when we put that knowledge and applied it out on the water on Friday.We guessed our best 5 would of been in the 42 lb range, with both of us catching our personal best fish of our lifes.We had 2 over 10 and 1 around 9 from your lake. We are getting ready to start into the Everstart series this year and your class will definitely help us out.

Thanks again, Frank

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